Artsy Challenge

Wow!  It's been a long time since I have posted to this blog.  I am hoping to change that though.

Some friends of mine have self imposed a challenge on themselves.  It is a 100 day Artsy Challenge.  For 100 days spend a minimum of a specific amount of time doing something artistic.  One friend is doing an hour, another is doing 15 minutes (she has an infant).  Each of them posts their endeavors on their FaceBook timeline.

I have quite a few projects, and research, that I need to finish.  I also need to continue blogging.  It is my hope that by committing to this challenge I can accomplish all the things I need to accomlish.   I think I shall also commit to a minimum of one hour per day doing something artistic.  Then I shall post here about what I have managed to do.  Who knows what we will learn together.

My first new post will be about my project on the Åsle Tå mitten. that was an adventure and I met some very lovely people in my search for information.

